Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Brick Repair (248) 895 7752

With any chimney repair or masonry restoration project comes debris. Small chunks of mortar, pieces of concrete, and chunks of brick from the demolition of the brickwork can add up fast. And lets face it, its not like your local garbageman or trash removal service is going to grab a garbage can that weighs 500 lbs and carry it away. That is why whenever you plan on doing any kind of demolition project, chimney repair, or brickwork you need to know what to do with your debris and trash.

One option is to remove the brick debris, concrete, and mortar yourself. This involves filling up a trailer or truck and hauling out the brick, concrete, and mortar. You can then haul this material to the dump, but the dump charges by weight. A much more practical method of removing the debris, is to find a local concrete recycling company. Most concrete recycling companies will take any concrete and mortar you have and dispose of it. A select few concrete recycling companies, commonly referred to as the concrete crusher, will take your brick debris also. Concrete, brick, and mortar are ground up to a gravel sized consistency. This aggregate is then recycled into new concrete. The problem with using concrete crushers and recyclers is unless you have a dump truck or dump trailer, you must handle your material and debris not only when you haul it off of the job, but when you dump it. By far the most cost-effective way to go on any large scale demolition project is to rent a dumpster. Whenever you rent the dumpster be sure to specify what you plan on disposing of inside of it.

At Brick Repair LLC we are committed to the local Michigan environment. We use concrete recycling companies whenever possible. For more information about masonry and masonry repair, our free how-to repair brick videos, please visit us http://www.chimneyrepairmichigan.com/ Brick repair llc's chimney repair service provides chimney cleaning for south east Residents of Rochester hills vist http://www.chimneyrepairrochesterhills.com/

For information about Michigan chimney sweeps chimney cleaning chimney repair

check out our masonry repair videos HTTP://www.michiganchimneyrepair.org/

Chimney repair in and Oakland county and surrounding cities http://www.chimneyrepairoaklandcounty.com/

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